
Sunday, December 16, 2012

Praise The Hobbit

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

Directed by Peter Jackson
Written by Fran Walsh, Philippa Boyens, Peter Jackson, Guillermo del Toro
★ Too many great people to choose three of them


What has not been said about The Hobbit yet, I wonder? 
With all the praise (along with a tiny dash of criticism) wandering around the media and blogosphere, is there at all any way to defend your action of writing a review on this movie? Shouldn't we highlight lesser known arthaus gems that could change the world?

Oh well, I don't have an answer. But perhaps this question will do: when a movie deserves praise and attention, shouldn't we just give it as much of that as we can?
The Hobbit might be a film that could change cinema. Or it might not. Yes, we already had franchises/ book adaptions that were incredibly great despite the huge amount of sequels (coughHarryPottercough) - but then again, how often does this happen? Yes, Life of Pi already seems to have changed the image and horizon of 3D - but then again, I saw The Hobbit in 2D and it was awesome. Yes, we've seen a lot of breathtaking fantasy in the last few years (aka my lifetime) - but then again, won't it always be fascinating?

The most surprising thing I noticed about The Hobbit was the humour. The film probably didn't have any need for that - it would've been amazing enough without - but it added a certain dash of... realism? to the film. In fact, this is something I've noticed about many big films currently, Harry Potter too. Perhaps good humour is in fashion again - which is something I'm very happy about.
Then there's the universal appeal of the film. You know, the multiplex in my town has been struggling for survival ever since I remember. But the evening shows of The Hobbit have been sold out for weeks. Book shops are filled with Hobbit merchandise and books thicker than the original book. The world of middle earth is growing and growing, I mean just think of the comparatively few pages that Tolkien wrote on this dream universe. The four books combined really don't take up much space in my drawers. And yet, they take up so much of our lives, don't they?

Seeing this one the big screen was something I'd never even dared to dream of

Like most other fans, I was horribly fearful of the outcome of Jackson's project, even before they decided to make three films. Lord of the Rings just raised the bars so high, it was hard to imagine anyone could ever top or reach them. But from what I've seen, the makers of The Hobbit could have succeeded.
I don't think I want to ask myself why and how this could happen. Perhaps not even the makers are able to believe that they actually created this.
I know I'm sounding almost religious here, but what can you expect? The Hobbit was just so perfect - there's not even another word I can find here, other than... perfect.

I still have some doubts about part two and three. But whenever that comes to my mind, I just remember the perfection of the first part. It's a film that has reminded me of the fact that anything is possible, and that often your worst fears turn into the best experiences of your life. Like Avatar - a bad example as many people don't like the movie, but whatever, nobody can deny its grand influence on cinema - I hated the trailer. Truly, genuinely hated it. And when I went out of the movie itself, I was in another world, far away... I had changed, I guess.
It's always such a big thing to say that a movie changed you, but it can be small changes. Just small ideas or opinions that change.

As for The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey - it changed everything. 
(However tempting it may be, I'm not going to say "Again").



  1. i dunno. i found part 3 pretty nice, actually. (not 2 towers, though) hobbit. sigh. yes. must. see.

  2. I´m going to watch it on 27th and already cannot wait! LOTR is my most loved film EVER, not toppled by anything bollywood even. And this reaview of yours only make me squeel!!!

  3. This seems to be on everyone's "must-see" list. I don't care if I see it, honestly. Never watched the 'Rings' movies, so... that probably plays a role in my lackluster feelings. :)

    1. Oh my God, really! Well, you should try watching at least the first movie :)

    2. As someone who loathes Return of the King with a passion and despises what Jackson is doing with The Hobbit, my objectivity is beyond reproach, Rissi, when I enthusiastically endorse Mette's advice to at least see Fellowship. It was everything I hoped the trilogy would be, and despite my growing angry and disgusted at Jackson for the last film, the first one is a great watch. They say praise from one's enemy is high praise indeed, which means my praise is about as high as it can get.

  4. As someone who has no intention of ever seeing this film (or the next 2) unless forced to at gunpoint,I have to take issue with your "tiny dash of criticism" comment. There has in fact been a lot of criticism of the film, far more than just "a tiny dash". I cheerfully concede that uncritical adulation of the film is by far the most common reaction of course, but there has been plenty of negative response, both from people who dislike it as a film, and from people like me, Tolkien fans who emphatically do NOT consider Jackson to be Tolkien's prophet (more like The Mouth of Sauron) and who are angered by what he has done and is doing to the books he got his hands on.

    1. Actually, after writing this post I did read a lot of negative reviews and considered changing my own one, but then I thought it was just my subjective and spontaneous point-of-view, so I didn't.
      I absolutely understand your opinion though, which is shared by so many other people, because Jackson did take a lot of "creative liberty" with The Hobbit.

    2. It is perhaps interesting that much of the negative response has been here in NZ. It had only the 5th-highest opening gross here, and it maybe that widespread public discontent with Jackson's political meddling and manipulations in getting worker protection laws nullified for the crews on the films has soured a significant section on NZers towrd the films. Much of NZ is suffering from Tokien/Jackson fatigue, I think.

    3. Yes, and I can absolutely understand that. I haven't been researching much on the matter though, so I can't say I have an opinion. Thanks for mentioning this though.


Let the discussion begin!