
Sunday, February 24, 2013

The "SONSOFBITCHES!" Snubathon - Results

Thanks to everyone who joined the snubathon in the last three weeks - I was really nervous and had bad dreams about nobody joining, so I was just euphoric whenever I received a link to an entry.

On a whole, 8 bloggers chose to write a post about their "favourite" snubs - which is definitely more than I had hoped for, because actually I had just hoped that at least one person would join. So again: thank you for being angry and sharing that anger with us other bloggers. 
Browse through the results and commenting the hell out of it:

1 Katy from The Drama Llama shares her disappointment about the Academy's averseness to comedy, highlighting Owen Wilson's performance as Gil Pender in Woody Allen's Midnight in Paris.

Although Owen Wilson rarely truly shines, he does have a talent that some directors seem to have noticed, and his peformance in this one is some his best work in my opinion.

2 Brittani Burnham from Rambling Film highlights two snubbed performances from the Supporting Actors' category - James McAvoy as Nicholas Garrigan in The Last King of Scotland and Paul Dano as Eli in There Will Be Blood.

Both Dano and McAvoy are to very overlooked actors and have been snubbed for various performances, so I definitely agree with Brittani.

3 Alex from And So it Begings... compiled a list of the last decades most important Oscar snubs. Watch out for some surprises and some films you might have never even heard of!

4 Nikhat from Being Norma Jean chose to select 5 of 2012's supporting actors' performances that were more deserving of an Oscar nomination than Alan Arkin.

An interesting list with three entries I highly agree with (the other two I haven't seen yet).

5 Sofia from Film Flare shares a big selection of director, actor and movie snubs that go as far back as the 30s and all the way up to 2011.

I couldn't agree more.

6 MovieNut14 from Defiant Success is the angriest blogger among us, with 17 snubs to share, if I counted right. There are both actors and actresses here, so you'll be sure to find something to agree about!

7 Sati from Cinematic Corner is crazy about Helena Bonham Carter as Mrs. Lovett in Tim Burton's last good film, Sweeney Todd.

I want to give her a big hug for this choice!

8 Mette from Lime Reviews and Strawberry Confessions uses the opportunity to talk about one of her favourite topics, Harry Potter.

I hope all participants and readers enjoyed this little blogathon as much as I did. Looking forward to more of this!


  1. Thank you for hosting that great blogathon and that big hug! :)

  2. Yeah, I'm thinking I might have overdone it with my list. But whatever.

  3. A terrific blogathon Mette, it was a pleasure to participate!

  4. Thank you for the link! This was fun blogathon and the choices everyone picked were a great variety of snubs. :)

  5. Thanks again for hosting! This was fun to participate in. I must really love complaining about Oscar snubs.


Let the discussion begin!