
Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Spin-off Blogathon | Agent Mariah Hill and Jor-El

It took some time to figure this out, but my final choice for the spin-off blogathon hosted by Sati is a tie between two comic-book-to-movie characters. Funnily, it's a very fair tie in many ways, representing both genders, both comic book giants (DC and Marvel) as well as two different general opinions on each movie. My choices are Agent Mariah Hill, played by the fabulous Cobie Smulders in The Avengers and Jor-El/ Superman's real dad, played by Russell Crowe in Man of Steel. You can guess which of the above characteristics belongs to which character.
Agent Mariah Hill

As one of the few people that have only seen The Avengers once (despite loving it), my memory of the movie is still very clear - which might have to do with the circumstances under which I saw it (huge crowd, music festival in Denmark). One of the best things about this movie is its cast and the way it's very ironic about the big crew it puts together. However, the first cool thing I remember about the film has to be Cobie Smulders as Agent Mariah Hill. She was the first 'real' star to appear on the big screen and immediately people in the movie tent started shouting ROBYN and SCHERBATSKY. There are many things to like about her in this short appearance - first of all, she's a woman. Yeah, okay, we've talked enough about feminism but truth be told, there are too few female characters in most movies - especially comic book movies. (Let's not mention recent Marvel posters, shall we?). 

It doesn't bother me however - unlike many other, well I wouldn't call myself a feminist, but whatever - that Agent Mariah Hill is rather sexy. After all, most superheroes are (let's leave Hulk out of this, shall we?). At least she wears full clothing, I don't care how tight it is - I wouldn't want Superman to fly about in a sweater and jogging pants either. Furthermore, Agent Mariah Hill is determined, smart and skillful. She knows how to handle a gun and how to make a choice. She's not afraid to speak her mind. All of which convinces me that there should be a movie about her or at least one that features her in a bigger role. It's not that she's your perfect, deeply layered dramatic character, but isn't what I just summed up enough for a cool agent action movie? It would be if she were a male character. So this is really all I want; an easy, entertaining, well-written action movie that bears no traces of 'chick-flick' whatsoever.


As one of the few people that truly enjoyed Man of Steel, I have to admit that there were a few flaws in the movie. One of those was not focussing enough on the pre-story on Krypton and instead flying through a couple too many buildings in the showdown. Unlike some bloggers (not calling any names), I have never had a problem with Russell Crowe's acting (nor singing, he's really not that bad) but rather his characters or movies - think Robin Hood. Crowe has been miscast quite a few times, but he is perfect in the role of Superman's real dad - not a role I would've pictured him in, by the way. The reason I chose him is not because his character in itself is that great though, but mainly because the world he lives in is so damn cool. I mean, those flying droid metal things are reason enough to make a sole Krypton movie, ammiright? And Krypton itself looked mesmerizing, just like you've never pictured it because it doesn't actually play a big role in the comics - not the ones I've read, that is. 

Also, judging from reviews I've read and heard, most people enjoyed the first 20 minutes of Man of Steel much more than the rest of the movie and thought it had a lot of potential, so clearly I'm not alone on this train. So DC, after you're done messing up Batman, please consider returning to Krypton, would you? A few ideas: the movie could include a love story between a Kryptonian and one of those droid things, the journey of one common Kryptonian to become the leading scientist of his generation and young Zod terrifying his parents through all of his childhood and then performing a high school massacre. 

The Spin-off blogathon is hosted by Sati from Cinematic Corner and is about choosing a character with little amount of screen time (thus excluding supporting characters) and explain why you would like to see a spin-off movie with this character.


  1. I would watch that Jor-El spinoff. The scenes in Krypton were certainly the most entertaining in the movie. I'd like to see the evolution of his relationship with Zod as well.

    1. Starting a kickstarter right now... Just kidding ;). Yep and they were among the prettiest scenes too - production design wise. I'd like to see a young Jor-El too, struggling with 'normal' problems.

  2. I love both of these ideas, but I would pay to see Mariah Hill movie before a Jor-El one. It would be great to see an action movie with both Hill and Black Widow(Scarlet Johannson) in a movie together. Great post

    1. Very cool of you Vern, we need a good female superhero movie for a change! I was thinking that it would indeed be nice if Black Widow was in that movie too.

  3. YES! Agent Hill! Even though I'd watch Cobie Smoulders in anything, I'd love to see more of her. I adore Russell Crowe, too, so even though I haven't seen Man of Steel (yet), I'm on board. He should have more really cool roles. :D Awesome entry, Mette!

    1. Thanks, Elina! I would watch Cobie in anything too - so sad HIMYM is ending on Monday already :'(. Russell Crowe is a good actor and I'm sure you'll like him in Man of Steel even though the movie itself divides audiences.

  4. Thanks so much for participating! Crowe was a good fit for his part, as much as I found the plot device of him being a space ghost who helps the main heroes ridiculous. I really liked Cobie in Avengers, there really should be more women in those movies and much more of her character.

    1. Well thank you for hosting! The space ghost part was a bit annoying and far too long but the rest of him I liked. I hope there'll be more women in Avengers 2!

  5. In my review of Man of Steel I mention that an entire movie focused on Jor-El would have been perfect, as Crowe was just aces in the role! Great suggestion!

    1. Oh, cool! I see we're almost enough people for a Jor-El in Man of Steel fanclub here!

  6. Nice picks! Not being a big fan of Avengers, I love your choice of Mariah. I thought she was an interesting character and someone that I would like to know the backstory of and see how she came to be so kick-ass. Also, love your pick of Jor-El too. I loved Man of Steel even with its flaws. Knowing more about his battles against Zod and how he prepared the aircraft on Earth to contain his consciousness/spirit/messages to help Clark I think would've helped eliminate some of the problems people had with the movie.

    1. Yeah, well the spirit-on-earth thing was annoying anyway. I think Clark should've found out in another way. By the way, I think you're the first person I've heard not liking Avengers that much.

  7. HAHA Russel Crowe... it's an unfounded dislike, yes. And I agree that the issue here is that he's been miscast sometimes. I actually saw him on the Graham Norton Show promoting Man of Steel, and whenever I was able to stop staring at Cavill (which was only when he wasn't in the shot), I thought Crowe was pretty cool. He told a sweet story and I figured, he's probably a nice guy.

    I can't remember my thoughts on him as Jor-E (other than thinking "that's Russel Crowe" the whole time) but looking back, he wasn't at all bad in it. Anyway, having liked Man of Steel too, the first 20 min were actually the ones I disliked... but only because they annoyed my aesthetic sense. I don't appreciate such a yellow CGI fuelled depiction of Krypton, with dinosaurs.

    That said, to know more about Jor-El would be awesome, and I'm fine with Russel Crowe playing him, so all of this to say -- GREAT pick!!

    1. Nik really hates him though. I'm not watching Graham Norton (I can't stand him) but I can imagine it'd be hard to focus on Crowe beside Cavill.
      I think you need to be into that kind of thing, but the CGI wasn't bad was it? But I guess they could've worked in *some* more reality.

  8. Maria Hill definitely deserves her own solo outing! She is a fantastic character. It's another character that is just screaming for Joss Whedon to get hold of for a film. Strong, kick ass female? Definitely!

    And Cobie Smulders is such a perfect bit of casting for the role. She can hold her own while ScarJo's on scene too!

    1. Yes, right?! I hope they're going to make a female centered superhero-ish movie that doesn't such soon. Cobie Smulders is great and I wish her all the best now that HIMYM has ended.


Let the discussion begin!