
Sunday, July 6, 2014

Keeping Your Followers Up-to-date 101

Yes, I'm still alive.

That's me, proud graduate, the 2nd from the right.

More or less so, I mean the last week has been heaven and hell in one. I graduated from high school on the 27th of July and since then everything has been on chaos mode. The thing is that here in this weird place between Denmark and Germany, we have a tradition of wearing our graduation hats for two weeks after that graduation and there is a party or something similar almost every day during that time. After the two weeks, there's an official event and the prom. I started out thinking that once the exams are over I will have enough time to post my Blind Spot entry and watch a movie every week for the ALASKAthon and write about it - turns out I was wrong. In between re-watching TFIOS in cinemas, indulging in coming of age flicks anywhere between high (The Dreamers) and low brow (Freche Mädchen, no you don't really need to know what that is) and a drinking game flavoured LOTR party, there hasn't even been time for me to watch the last two ALASKAthon films. Let alone comment one anyone else's blogs. Since Ed Sheeran's new CD has come out, I haven't even been listening to podcasts.

So what does the future hold? I don't know. I said I was going to write an official big-hiatus-goodbye thingy and I certainly will do so before I leave for Alaska August 4th. Who knows, perhaps I will marathon the Alaska films sometime after the graduation-hat-weeks and write all about it. Otherwise, keep an eye on my letterboxd profile, Tumblr blog and Twitter account - those are the places I'm most likely to find online (and talk about movies) these days.

What can I say - I'm sorry for being such a bad blogger. But I have had plans to take a break from blogging anyway and sometimes it's hard to say whether something will come to and end quickly or slowly. Perhaps a slightly modified quote from a certain Mr. Green will help express my feelings: "I stopped blogging like you fall asleep - at first slowly and then all at once".

See you soon - either for some more posts or for the last one in a long time.


  1. Congrats on your graduation...and for making me feel so old. Enjoy your time in Alaska, and away from blogging.

  2. Don't apologize! You're busy, and we'll all be here when you get back to blogging. :)

  3. I hope you have a wonderful time in Alaska. Congrats on graduating High School, and celebrating that. Will you still be on the Across the Universe: Chicks with Accents Podcast with Nikhat and Sofia.

    1. Yes, the podcast is my number 1 priority when it comes to online stuff. I've grown to love it sooo much.

  4. Hey, you're not a bad blogger - you have lots to do and that's just part of having a real life and responsibilities.

    Unless you choose the sort of work that allows it - or unless you do well, financially - it offensive gets worse as you get older. But you find ways to balance what you have to do and what you want to do.

    And sometimes you even decide that some things aren't important or rewarding enough to merit the time you put into them. That's part of life, too!

    But you're a good writer and you have interesting things to say about movies and whatnot, so it's good that your voice isn't going completely silent. And Cheers to you on your graduation!

    1. Thanks, Thaddeus. That's very nice of you to say. I think I'll try and finish up my projects like the Harry Potter marathon and the ALASKAthon but after that, hiatus.

  5. Enjoy all the festivities! Sounds like fun. Our graduation traditions are prom the weekend or two before school ends, then graduation the week after you get out of school, then a big trip to the beach for Senior Week (at least where I grow up on the East Coast). I'll definitely keep up with you through Twitter & Letterboxd even if your blog isn't updated.

    1. Thank you Jess, that's so nice of you! Your traditions sound cool but different from ours - prom is the very last thing we do.

  6. The intention of this comment is to let you know that I've nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award!! Just check out my post for all the rules and have fun with it - after all, you deserve it! Congrats!!

    1. Thanks Andrew!!! I probably won't write a post due to the hiatus/ closure of the blog but this makes me very happy!

  7. Okay, hold up. You just graduated from high school? Holy shit, that's insane. I assumed you nearly done with college. You have such refined film tastes and a unique voice in your writing - I'm even more impressed now! Congrats on graduation, and enjoy your time in Alaska!

    1. Wow, thank you! It probably explains why I haven't seen *that* many movies yet. I really hope my passion for films won't fade when I stop blogging.


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