Saturday, June 22, 2013

My Heroes: Scott Pilgrim (or whatever)

I met Scott about a year ago, when I was on my summer holidays in Denmark. It was a hot summer night and stuff, at least for me - he was chilling up in Toronto. Chilling as in "it was cold". My initial plan of the night certainly didn't include Scott, but then again I didn't know him before that night - how could I have known that he would win me over in a second? My telly-companion that night wasn't as enchanted by Scott, however. Every other minute a sigh or differently disapproving sound escaped from her lips until she finally left me alone. Alone with Scott.

I've got to admit, it took me a while warming up to him and his friends. It seemed as though the only reason they were there was to make money and stuff. And maybe that was their initial intention, but hey, we all have baggage. At any rate, I soon became the biggest fan of their awesome band Sex-Bob-Omb. I realized that the reason they were there was a higher one; a humble and generous one. They were there to make us think about death and get sad and stuff. And man, how they did. Badass Kim, anxious Stephen and all of Scott's other awesome friends... Adorable Young Neil, sexy Wallace - even Knives. But in the end, it was still all about Scott.

You're surely wondering "What the hell is so special about this Scott Pilgrim"? There isn't one answer to this question but many. Scott Pilgrim is the epitome of the everyday hero, finding a meaning in life and himself after facing his fears and overcoming them. Everyone can probably relate to Scott - he says the wrong things at the wrong times, he's clumsy and he often gets caught up in dreams that make him forget the time and the place. But there's one thing that sets him apart from us, or the way we perceive ourselves; everything he does is - in some way or another - absolutely awesome. We see that objectively, the things he says and does are wrong - but in his very own world, they're awesome. His clumsiness becomes a lovely trademark that make us like him even more, his "miserable" and "stupid" one-liners are iconic.

Scott Pilgrim makes us want to find that awesomeness in ourselves. He makes us realize that we don't need to change our lifestyle or cut our hair if we don't want to, because we're great as we are. Scott Pilgrim makes us realize there's a superhero in all of us.


  1. After watching this film I realized that I enjoyed it. I must confess that I thought I was going to hate this film but it just didn't happen.

    1. I hated the first 30 seconds because I had never seen anything like it, but from then on I was just freaking out because it was so awesome.

  2. I love this! Scott Pilgrim is amazing and Michael Cera rules that role. I've felt like I'm the only one liking him more & more with each (similar) role while others are tiring of him. Basically how I feel about Scott Pilgrim is when I'm around him, I kind of feel like I'm on drugs. Not that I do drugs. Unless he does drugs, in which case I do them all the time. All of them.

    1. Hahah, you speak my mind. I feel exactly the same way. Love Cera, love Pilgrim. It would be nice to see him do some different stuff, but then again his latest stuff is so unknown I have no idea what he's like in it. Perhaps it's just that the stuff that get's famous is always him playing sort of the same character. Whatever, I love that character, so I'm cool with that.

      ... Or whatever.

  3. I never really finished watching this movie. I don't know why, I guess it's too pop for me (like that could happen, weird). But it's easy to enjoy this one. And I guess teens can easily relate to Scott.

    1. Awww, you should! It's such a cool movie. But I can see how maybe it could be too much for some viewers.

  4. Don't hate me for saying this haha

    In my opinion, Scott isn’t a nice character (although he does make up for some of his flaws in the films final act). The way he treats his ex girlfriend Knives and gets away with it makes him less likeable protagonist. It’s also hard to root for him when the girl of his dreams is uninteresting, dull and unappealing. However, he does redeem himself at the end.

    Enjoyable film, if a bit repetitive.

    1. I don't hate you, I appreciate every comment and like hearing people's honest opinions.
      So I can see where you're coming from and I understand your opinion. Scott isn't a perfect person, but I think he's very funny and relatable - and him turning into a superhero at the end is incomparable. But yeah, I'm not mad at you :)


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