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These cupcakes look so good! |
At first this blog had a very complicated name, a German mirror blog and was about all kinds of films. Later on, it still had the complicated name, but no German mirror blog anymore - and it was about Bollywood films only. I had noticed that no one ever commented on my posts on cinema beyond Bollywood, so I thought that it was impossible to maintain followers while writing about no specific part of the extremely broad cinematic landscape. Luckily, I found out there was a thing called the "Large Association of Movie Bloggers", which I became a member of, causing me to broaden my horizon concerning film blogging.
Slowly this blog evolved and became better with the time. It's not perfect yet, not at all, and of course I'd like to have some more followers and commenters, but I'm happy about the things I've achieved until now, and even though it can be hard at times, I love this, I love all of you who are reading this, and I want to maintain this blog until I'm a quirky old granny trying to make my grandchildren love films just as much as I do. Maybe I'll have seen the famous 1001(+) movies by then. Who knows.
Well, for now on, I just hope next year's going to be just as great as this one - or maybe even better!
And just like those fortunate ones who have won the famous golden fella, I'd like to thank a bunch of people who have supported and inspired me - without them, who knows if I'd given up on blogging very soon.
Mansi from Eat Pray Love Movies, who was the first one to comment on this blog. Thank you so much for that, Mansi! Her blog is about both Bollywood and Hollywood films and she always writes short but spot on reviews and articles.
Leslya from Eternity of a Dream, who became the 31st member of Lime Reviews just yesterday. Well, that was a coincidence of course, but still - thank you! I've only become a member of her blog yesterday, too, so I can't say much about it yet. It looks very promising though.
Jack L. from Jack L. Film Reviews, who was the first follower and commenter here that knew nothing about Hindi film, and had never seen one. Jack has an extraordinary taste of films, and we don't always agree on films, but he has been one of the greatest supporters to me, and his blog is very informative and well-written. I hope he achieves his goal of becoming a director one day, I will definitely watch all of his films.
Bollywooddeewana from Bollywooddeewana, one of my first followers and supporters. His blog is mostly about Hindi oldies and classics, which is very inspiring for someone like me who wants to but doesn't watch many films from before 1990.
Stevee from Cinematic Paradox, a wonderful blogger my age who just celebrated her blogs second birthday yesterday. She's so fortunate to have a father owning a DVD rental store, so she can watch all the latest releases and work at a place full of the thing we all love... films! I wish I had a chance to do the same. Or even just have a part-time job... Her blog is one of my favorites, and I look up to the things she's already achieved (like winning a LAMMY).
Courtney from Big Thoughts From a Small Mind. He was the first one to feature a post from here in a link-up-post (or whatever these posts are called). His posts are always interesting to read, and he also proves that a great blog doesn't need a great design (with all respect).
Dolce and Namak from Dolce and Namak Talk Indian Movies, a split-personality blogger who writes the funniest long reviews on indie and mainstream Indian cinema. She makes me want to watch some more regional Indian films... some time.
Bonjour Tristesse from Bonjour Tristesse, an extremely cool and huge blog that features films from all over the world (something I'd like to be able saying about Lime Reviews one day). It's amazing that she (or he... wait a minute - are you a male or a female...?) still finds the time to read my entries and comment on them - awesome!
Beth from Beth Loves Bollywood, one of the biggest Bollywood blogs around here (counting from the visitors). She doesn't blog that often anymore, but I always find it a pleasure to read her humorous reviews.
Filmi Girl from Filmi Girl!, my #1 source for Bollywood gossip. I also like that she's not ashamed of loving Tashan, while everyone else is trashing it (I mean, all the critics). Her blog is, just as Beths, very popular, and funny to read, too.
Cherokee from Feminising Film. Her blog was founded just recently, some months ago, and focuses on female presence in film. To be more precise: female power! She also often leaves nice comments here.
Ness from Shahrukh Is Love, who claims she's never ever written a review on a Shahrukh film. She's very skilled at trashing a film and wanting you to never ever watch it (I threw my Khatta Meetha DVD into the garbage after reading her review), but she's also a fan of the films she describes as "crackatastic" - and a huge fan of Bollywoods teddy-bear, Govinda.
Chris from Movies and Songs 365, a Dane just like me (yeah, almost... I'm almost a Dane...), whose blog is about... well, movies and songs. We've been e-mail pen-pals for some months now, and I must say that Chris is a very intelligent and sympathetic person. Hilsen!
Maria Sofia from FilmFlare, famous for her fantastic layout. She also comments a lot here, and writes some cool reviews and other stuff. And she inspired me to join Goodreads (don't think she knows this, hehe).
The 3 Bollywood Queens from Bollywood Queens - lovely people, lovely blog.
Filmi Geek from Filmi Geek, who writes the most informative, analyzing reviews on Hindi films.
Wilde.Dash from Love and Squalor, a blog with a lovely, psychedelic layout and wonderful posts on films I haven't seen because of the same reasons she didn't want to see them at first, but still did.
Louella from Masala w Bigosie - she's not very active anymore, as she says she suffers from a chronic writer's block, but I always like reading her reviews on Tamil and Telugu films. Makes me feel like I've watched more of them than the three I've actually seen.
The person behind The Bolly 'Hood, a small blog with small articles on Bollywood that are truly worth a read.
Larry from The Movie Snob, another huge blog with a simple design ;). He writes nice reviews on both cult-classics and newer cinema, and I love his weekly thoughts feature (I believe it's weekly...?).
The person behind Totally Filmi! - I love this blog, but I feel I'm repeating myself now. Check it out, however.
Last but not least Ryan from A Life in Equinox. Huge blog. And really, really good.
Phew, this is a loooong list, and yet I feel I haven't thanked everyone - so thank you, EVERYONE! Followers, commenters, anonymous readers - thank you!
Please don't feel hurt or something if I follow you, or you're on my surfboard and I haven't mentioned you - I follow a lot of blogs and it would be impossible to mention each one of them.
So what are my wishes and plans for the future? Well, I'd like the above curve to go upward again, of course, but I know that's not going to happen without me doing something. I'd like to write great, interesting, wonderful posts and inspire people and have fun and... make the world a better place. Yeah, that's impossible. But I'll give it a try.
I'm also planning on creating a top 100 movies list until december... and well, I don't know if I should keep the weekly post on new releases. I mean, it's not very original... but we'll see.
Now, just tell me what you think. Do you have any ideas, things you love or hate - spit it out.
(Of course, you can also just wish us a happy anniversary...).
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...No, really. THANK YOU!!! |
Happy 1 year! I've been following your blog for some time and I must say I love the changes you make to your blog, and the often unique features (loved the weekly release first impressions review).
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of new features, me and Mansi from EatPrayLoveMovies have come up with The Movie Antakshari - check it out:
I thought you'd mention me on your list but ah well never mind... (I pride my blog on its uniqueness!). I would definitely mention yours sometime.
Oh by the way, please add me to your blogroll!
Happy one year anniversary! And thank you for the kind words - I really am lucky to work around movies. Gosh, if Dad didn't buy that store I would still be in love with horses and they aren't the easiest to write a blog about, haha.
ReplyDeleteI look forward to the next few years to come!
The Bolly Hood - Thank you!! As I said, it would be impossible to mention each and every blog I follow, so please don't take it personally.
ReplyDeleteI also added your blog - it can get pretty confusing with all the blogs I'm reading and maybe dis-following again, so I often forget to add new blogs to my blog roll. I'll keep the weekly write-up, then, if you like it :).
Stevee - Thank you, too!! I used to love horses, but I never learned riding, so... well, before I fell in love with movies for real, I was very in to fashion and tried to maintain a blog about that, but I thought it was boring after a while.
... That's what I'm talking about, only two comments (hulk). Okay, it's only been one day, I should give people some time... Anyhow, thanks to both of you!
Happy anniversary, and thanks for mentioning me!
ReplyDeleteGood luck with the blog in future, look forward to the top 100 films ( :
Maybe I should create such a blogging friend list too, when I have the time, and if so, I'll be sure to include your blog.
I think Bonjour is a man, the writing style ( ;
Chris - You're welcome and thank you! :)
ReplyDeleteI've always thought of Bonjour as a female, somehow, but I think you're right... The task of putting together a Top 100 list is already squeezing my brains out... ;)... I don't know which films I can include without being laughed at, but most importantly, I don't know which my favorite film is...
Happy Blog Birthday Mette! I'm sure that traffic curve will start to pick up soon, especially with all the positive changes you've been making to this blog. Also look forward to seeing your top 100 list.
ReplyDeleteTo end the mystery I was totally unaware of, Chris is correct, I am indeed a male. I guess it's the female sounding name and the fact I don't reveal very much about my real self on my blog that can lead you to assume one or the other.
Anyways here's to another fruitful year of blogging!
Ah how sweet Limette, here's to many more blogging years ahead, its always a pleasure coming here to read your unique take on films as well as your fun posts.
ReplyDeleteHappy first anniversary! Best to your second year :)
ReplyDeleteThank you guys, you're incredible, all of you!
ReplyDeleteJust found your blog thanks to the blog-a-thon. I hope to visit enough to be able to appear on your year 2 anniversary! Congrats
ReplyDeleteMax - You're welcome, and welcome to Lime Reviews, I haven't said that before. I hope you stay around :). And thank you.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on your 1 year anniversary. My first time stopping by to give it a looksee.
ReplyDeleteAdam - Thank you, I hope you'll stay around. I'll take a look at your site.
ReplyDeleteOh I just saw this, thanks for mentioning me, and all the nice things you said (and you're right, i didn't know about the goodreads stuff, but I'm glad you joined!).
ReplyDeleteFinally, congratulations on the blog's anniversary, many more will certainly come!!
Thanks for mentioning me even though I haven't been around much these days! I really appreciate it.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, congrats on 1 year of blogging, I love the new style of your blog!
Both of you: Thanks! :)
ReplyDeleteBonjour Tristesse sent me here to wish you happy bday! Keep up the great work! :D
ReplyDeleteShutterbug - Aw, that's nice of him, and you. Thank you so much!
ReplyDeleteHow did I miss your first anniversary celebrations, Mette?
ReplyDeleteEither way, happy anniversary (though it may be a belated one!).
And thank you for including me in your list of blogs/people, so lovely of you!
Here's to many more years too come!
Cherokee - Doesn't matter, I also sometimes wonder: Why didn't I read this before?! It happens, especially when you follow a lot of blogs as I do too.